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14 August 2012

ALA Summer Read-A-Thon Wrap Up

Yesterday was the last day of our ALA Summer Read-A-Thon. Unfortunately I did not meet my goal. However, I did finish Dark Companion by Marta Acosta and read about 100 pages of SEAL in Wolf's Clothing by Terry Spear. SEAL is actually really fun and I hope I can finish it tonight. 

Total Pages Read: 468

While this isn't the most impressive number, I am still happy that I finished one book off of my list. I had a lot of fun hosting with Crystal and Nicole, and maybe we will do another one before the end of the year. Thanks for stopping by. 

If you participated, how did you do?

1 comment:

  1. I've got this book - I think I'll move it up in my TBR pile.


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