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04 January 2014

What Does The Bookworm Say?: 2014 Goals

Hi and welcome to a new feature here on Nite Lite called What Does the Bookworm Say? that I am doing with my friends at The Reader's Antidote, Elegantly Bound Books and The Windy Pages. We often get into bookish discussions over email and thought it would be a fun idea to discuss these topics as a bi-weekly feature on our blogs. Hopefully you find these topics interesting and learn a little about the blogger behind the review. This week's topic is 2014 Reading/Blogging Goals and Resolutions.

I don't like the word resolutions much, but I do try to make goals for myself every year. This year's goals are:

  • Read 75 books - This is down from my usual 100 book goal. Last year I only read about 80 books, which I am totally fine with. But I plan to read some longer books this year (Game of Thrones, I'm looking at you) and want to give myself some leeway to re-read favorites and generally just enjoy the books I read more. Sometimes I feel like I am racing to finish books so I can review them or get them off the TBR pile. Hoping that with this smaller reading goal, I can enjoy my reads a little more.
  • Read my physical books - I have huge stacks of books at home. I am going on a low-buy until I can read some of these.
  • Read those languishing review copies - I am still really behind on review books. Hoping to really make a dent in them this year, especially some of the older ones. I am participating again in the Better Late Than Never ARC Challenge, which I hope will motivate me. If you are interested in signing up, details are here.
  • Start/Catch up on my series reading - I have joined both the And So It Begins Challenge and the End of Series Challenge and will hopefully knock out some of these book this year. I'll have more lengthy posts on both of these challenges soon.
  • Write reviews in a more timely manner - This is a goal of mine every year. I try but it's hard. My reading pace definitely beats out my reviewing pace.

Apart from my bookish goals for the new year, I also have some personal goals. If you know me, you know that last year was not an awesome one. But I want to make the best of the new year and take time for myself to do the things that make me feel good. This includes reading but I also want to travel more, eat good food, knit, and hang out with my friends more.

So those are my reading and blogging goals for 2014. Hope you liked the first post of this new feature. Be sure to check out the other lovely bloggers who are also participating - The Reader's AntidoteElegantly Bound Books and The Windy Pages. If you have a topic you'd like us to cover, just leave it in the comments below. Thanks!

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