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12 January 2014

Stacked (89)

Hello, friends, and happy Sunday. Thanks for stopping by Stacked, my weekly post where I share with you all of the books I have bought, borrowed or received for the week.

I hope 2014 is off to a good start for everyone. I must admit that it's been hard getting back into the swing of things at work. I just want to be on vacation again. My book buying has been pretty low (yay!) though I made it up it with two trips to the library this week. :)

For Review

The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings - I have been trying to curb requesting e-galleys but there is a lot of hype around this one and I could not resist. It doesn't come out until summer though so I have some time to read it.


Defy by Sarah B Larson (ebook) - I feel like this book has been all over the blogosphere lately. It had a great price of just $2.99 before its release (not sure if it's still that price) so I decided to just go for it.


Catwoman: Dark End of the Street (Vol. 1) & Crooked Little Town (Vol. 2) by Ed Brubaker (writer) and Darwyn Cooke (Illustrator), Mike Allred (Illustrator) - I really want to read more comics this year and picked up these two volumes from the library. I've read them both already and enjoyed them. Reviews to come soon.

The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Picked this up at the library this week. I've heard mixed things about it but I like Barnes and want to give it a try.

Starters by Lissa Price (audiobook) - I also want to listen to more audiobooks this year. I have been wanting to read Starters for a long time and it looks like it could be fun in audio.

Black Echo by Michael Connolly (audiobook) - My friend K loves Michael Connolly and suggested this one on audio.

Roomies by Sarah Zarr and Tara Altebrando - I love that my library gets new releases pretty quickly. Have heard good things about this one.

The Ketchup Clouds by Annabell Pitcher - Story about a girl who is pen pals with a death row inmate. Sounds interesting.

There you have it - my first book haul of 2014. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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