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01 December 2013

Stacked (83)

Hi, everyone and welcome to Stacked, my weekly haul post where I share what I have bought, borrowed or received for review during the week.

Hi, guys. It's Saturday night as I write up this post and I just made the long drive back from my parents' house back to LA. I can't believe that I was home for 2 weeks and now it's over. It's good to be back with all my stuff though I miss my family already. But I hope that you all had a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate. Otherwise I hope you had a good week. This week's book haul is pretty small. I need to catch up on a few books before I can justify buying too many more though I may have bought myself a present from B&N with their recent Black Friday coupon....


Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion - I am one of the few people I know who has not read this one yet and it went on sale for $1.99 on Kindle.

Beautiful Beginning by Christina Lauren - This was a total impulse buy at Target. I was planning on getting it as an ebook since it's cheaper but the pretty cover called to me and it was 20% off. I have to finish a few things before I can read this but I am dying to start it.

Thanks for stopping by today. Happy Sunday!