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09 March 2012

Uncovered (4): Rapture (Fallen Angels #4)

Thoughts: Ahhhh! I didn't even know that the cover for the fourth book in J.R. Ward's Fallen Angels series had been revealed until this week. I think it was a pretty recent thing but I was surprised I didn't catch wind of it sooner. It has also come to my attention the next book, Rapture, will be coming out in hardcover instead of paperback like the other books in the series. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I don't really blame the publisher for wanting to capitalize on an author's popularity (they can't stay in business if they don't make money). However, I don't like the mid-stream switch. And not to degrade the genre, but I am much less likely to buy a hardcover copy of something like a romance or urban fantasy novel. It's not that I think they should be valued less but one of the reasons that I like that books in these genres are usually affordable and accessible. I am much more willing to pick up something I know nothing about if it's in paperback form. 

Anyway, rant over. I do like the new cover. It's kind of mysterious looking and the wings are very beautiful. I kind of miss having the male hero on the cover. It doesn't match the other covers in the series. I think this might have something to do with the hardcover thing. Perhaps when it's released in paperback, there will be a new cover that matches the themes of the older ones. At least I hope so. Overall I think the new cover is nice, but not mind blowing. I'll probably end up getting this one from the library and then purchasing it when it releases in paperback. That way, my books will match. :)

What do you think? Yay or nay on the new cover style? And will you be picking it up in hardback?

previous cover in the series