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23 March 2012

Great Ebook Deals: Vampires, Witches, Zombies & Plagues. Oh My!

I don't usually do sale posts, mainly because I never keep track of them. But I do appreciate it when other blogs do it. I often find out about good deals and add to my ever growing tbr pile. I found a few things this morning that I thought might interest you all and decided to share. Please be aware that these are Amazon affiliate links. I am totally getting Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane since I've been meaning to read this series and it's only $0.99! If anyone has any other great book deals they'd like to share, please let me know and I'll add them. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday.



 $1.99 (Eleventh Plague is on sale today only)


$9.99 (4 books!)

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I snoozed on Eleventh Plague... wait, I might actualy have that book around here, or someone has borrowed it *checks library app*


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