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07 December 2012

Uncovered (42): Paper Valentine

Hi and welcome to another week of Uncovered. This week I have a book that you've probably seen before and which I love. It's Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff. What don't I love about this cover? It fits the title perfectly with the awesome paper cut heart. I just love papercutting art and this is so beautiful. I love all of the fine details and the intricacy of the cutouts. It's got an old-timey feel but is also really modern looking (if both are possible). And the photographic background is a nice contrast. I am sad that this one doesn't come out until next year. I am totally putting this on pre-order. 

The papercutting artist is Elsa Mora. Check out her website to see more of her amazing work. 


  1. I have yet to see a Brenna Yovanoff book that doesn't have an awesome cover... all three of them have been amazing! :)

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

    1. agreed. she always has the most amazing covers.


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