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15 November 2011

Top Ten Tuesday (4) - Books That Are Gathering Dust on My Shelves

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme created by the folks over at The Broke and the Bookish. To sign up or find out more about it, visit the Top Ten Tuesday page. This week's topic is Top Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf For the Longest Time and I Still Haven't Read.

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick - I bought this ages ago and really wanted to read it. Still do. Everyone I know has read it and says it's great but I still haven't managed to get around to it.

The Kind One by Tom Epperson - A noir book set in 1930's Los Angeles. I purchased this at the LA Festival of Books years ago. I think I even have a signed copy. It looks dark and creepy and right up my alley but somehow I've managed not to read it

Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safron Foer - Heard amazing things about this book and I really love the cover. I feel like I might be the only person who hasn't read this one.

Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas - A good friend recommended this book to me. It's less than 300 pages long and would probably only tame me a day to read but I am not a huge non-fiction person which is probably why it's been on my shelf for awhile.

2666 by Roberto Bolano - I actually started reading this one but only got about halfway through the first book. I just wasn't keeping my attention. I gave this book to a friend the same year I bought it and she read it and loved it. I think the first book is the hardest one to get through, but that it's supposed to go really fast after that. I've put it away for now but hope to come back to it one day.

The Gates by John Connolly - I have no idea how long I've had this one but it's been awhile. Another great cover and a friend tells me I will like it. I definitely want to read this one next year.

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare - I really like this series so I am not sure what my problem is. It's gotten to the point where I have kind of forgotten what happened in the last book. I hope I can pick it up again and figure out what's going on. 

Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination by Neal Gabler - I have this in HARDCOVER, people, which means I bought it the year it was released - over 5 years ago. I am really interested in reading this. I love Disney and animation and this story really interests me. 

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - I have no good excuse for not reading this one yet. Everyone I know says it's fantastic and that I will love it. And I really want to read it, so why haven't I? 

Tree of Smoke by Denise Johnson - I can't really remember why I bought this book though I think the cover had something to do with it. I haven't read too many war novels but think one sounded intriguing.

That's what I have for this week's Top Ten. Thanks for stopping by!
say "twee!"

You can follow Thuy online at Twitter @fishgirl182


  1. Yeah Shadow of the Wind is really good! I've tried some Roberto Bolano (Savage Detectives) and couldn't finish it either. I dunno . . . I'll hang on to it for a little while, but who knows when I'll get back to it.

  2. Shadow of the Wind is fantastic--of those 10 I'd say read that first. I liked Reliable Wife, and City of Glass just helps round out that series. I read it right after the first two, though. By now I have forgotten it all and could read it again!

  3. Dumas is a great speaker. I own both her books & have read a few of the stories. I need to just read them. I know I'll love em.

    Amy @ www.bookgoonie.com

  4. I've not read any of those!
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. :)

  5. You have a few cool picks here. I am shamed to say I added one to my TBR list..lol..

  6. @trish - i know. i really want to read 2666. it looks so cool! but the first book was kinda boring...

    @rnsl - everyone says shadow of the wind is excellent. i WILL read it next year.

    @reading inspired - glad you like her. my friend said that funny in farsi was great which is why i picked it up. just haven't gotten around to it.

    @books and beyond - thanks! i've totally picked p some books reading others' lists as well. :)


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